
Apologies for my absence from everywhere, I’ve the flu and its hit me pretty badly.

I’ve been warned about catching bugs, flus as it will make my conditions go crazy.. Unfortunately both my partner and son have been ill so it was inevitable I was going to catch it. Being housebound lowers the risk of catching germs off people, but your nearest and dearest cannot dodge flu catching and once the germs are in the house then the lil mites get everyone they can.

I spent two days hardly able to move or function, I’ve had flu before but this is beyond any flu or infection I’ve experienced.
My usual aching limbs doubled in pain and burning, even my finger tips hurt. Headaches, shakes, sickness, incredible pain, my memory became worse.. Something I didn’t think possible!

I’m pretty sure I have another sinus infection or infection somewhere as I can feel my body protesting against something. That may sound odd, but I know the difference between not having one and having one. My Tempreture is constantly between 82.2 and 82.6 which is making me sweat buckets.

All in all, I am not too great at the moment and now think next year I will have the flu jab! I am against them usually, have declined one for years. But now, I know my body couldn’t cope with another bout of this flu, it’s not pretty!

I am due to have my vit D injection and smear on Friday, both I’m late for.
I’m hoping the vitamin D will give my body the boost it needs and my smear will be clear.

It’ll be difficult to get to the appointment but I’m going to have to as I’ve had some ‘womens problems’ for awhile that can no longer ignore. My friend has offered to take me which will save a lot of hassle.

I’ve been having erratic bleeding, my periods have stopped and I’m having terrible stomach aches and limping with the pain in my back and hip. My old symptoms that I haven’t had in quite awhile.

To be honest, I am concerned I have might have an infection in my womb or another cyst, I don’t like the symptoms I’m having and the loss of period. I’m definetly not pregnant, but I’ve never had my periods stop before.

My doctor has said my body is under extreme stress with being so unwell recently, that the stress of that and the mental stress could be stopping my periods. But I need a smear ASAP.
I’m keeping my fingers crossed that these are the reasons, I’d rather it be stress and depression than any form of cells, cysts or infection. I don’t think my body would cope well with the operation any of those things would need.
Fingers crossed and gypsy luck I’m ok! 🙂

In better news..

My christmas tree is up!

Yes, I know it’s only October but I put it up at this time every year. And it gave me a lift and happiness I need at the moment.

My sons gf is home on half term from uni, and my son and her helped put it up and it was so great for us to do together. I dragged my fluey self downstairs and I’m glad I did. We were messing around with tinsel, joking and laughing happily as we decorated the tree. Now it’s twinkling in the front room, bringing a smile to my face each time I see it 🙂

That alone is worth having our tree up. Happiness can be found in the smallest of things.. and 6ft christmas trees ;D


Virus and sugar

This week has been full of virus symptoms for me.

I knew there was a huge chance this could happen, my partner had terrible flu lady week and over the weekend and the chances of catching it were big.

Not that I’m blaming him for waking up feeling like my head was twice the size due to phlegm, no matter how Homebound you are germs are around us and brought in by our nearest and dearest. That’s just life, especially at this time of year when the weather is cooling and the germs are happily bouncing around.

As with any virus my chronic condition symptoms have escalated and I’m trying to keep everything on a manageable level, which my body obviously doesn’t understand! Ha 🙂

I’ve woken with nerve pain in my back and all down my left leg, I’m limping about like the famous Bristol Blackbeard pirate, who was born just down the road from me.

I’m certainly not a pretty sight at the moment, with my puffy eyes, phlegmatic nose and throat and cough but I’m keeping in top of all my meds with Vick, cough sweets, extra paracetamol too and in a few weeks or months it’ll go.. Oh the joys of chronic illness and prolonged symptoms! 😉

I’ve been making jewerelly while in bed, and put them up for sale which I’m happy about being able to achieve. I’ve even made a veggie shepherds pie from scratch for my son and a bread pudding last week which I’m very happy about, to be able to cook is always a great achievement.

I have noticed over the last week that I am craving sugar, I can’t stop drinking coke and eating biscuits.. Something that is impacting in my usual good eating.

I have found time after time strange cravings have been a constant part of my symptoms since becoming unwell. I’ve been lucky that it’s mostly been fruit I’ve craved recently but now it’s time for fatty sugar.
I’ve been trying to not have any, but then I break in the middle of the night and cram chocolate, biscuits and a can of coke down my greedy gullet. The ignoring of the craving just makes it worse, if I try not to eat any sugary things I end up eating twice the amount I would’ve if I had just let myself eat something sugary.

So I’m going to eat lil sweet things and stop the gorging, my weight will suffer but my body is craving it for some reason and it’s no good pretending it isn’t.

I joined a great group on Facebook yesterday, it’s called Spoonie Mailing List which brings the unwell together by posting letters to each other. I think this is a brilliant idea, so many if us are isolated, are not able to have much outside communication and a letter from someone who understands that can mean so much. I applaud the lady who created this group and I look forward to sending my first letter, and corresponding with people who are in similar situations 🙂
