Chocolate, Flowers and smiles

I woke yesterday to a lovely sight, two Thornton chocolate figures , a chick and a rabbit, either side of a vase of tulips. I had to put up with my partner also being in the image, but you can’t win them all… ๐Ÿ˜‰ I joke, I really am very lucky to have someone so thoughtful and kind and I really don’t know what I would do without him.
I am very lucky to have a family that support and help me too. I am rarely stuck having anything brought to me, prescriptions, electric top up, milk etc and I know I can pick up the ‘phone to my Mother and she will be there for a natter or rant. My Father is really good at lifting my spirits and I get my ‘getting on with it’ attitude from him. If you can’t change something then learn to adapt until such time that you can, that is very much installed in my brain. This has helpedย  me to adapt to being like this, well apart from the occasional rant ย ๐Ÿ™‚

My rib pressure is still there, I now have a temperature too but I am constantly getting that so I have no idea if it’s related or not. The left side of my neck and shoulder have also decided to seize just to put that lil more annoyance into things. I am going to have to ‘phone the doctor tomorrow if it’s still there, the rib pressure as it’s going into my back and hips. The joy of chronic conditions eh.

The OT is coming round on Thursday and I need to tidy up the flat, but there is no way I can today. Moving is making my rib pressure worst but I can’t stand the mess my room is in. I will have to ask for help to tidy and clean it, which I do hate doing. I don’t want someone having to do that for me, hence why I refused home help as we get by well enough and I wouldn’t feel comfortable with someone I don’t know in my home. This is a personal thing, I think carers do a brilliant job and help so many people, theyre a god send in so many ways. And I expect eventually I will have to have them, but for now I will manage without.

My partners brother and his girlfriend popped in for a lil while before going to a family Easter lunch at their parents. I couldn’t go but it was nice to chat with them. I have never met his brothers girlfriend before, but she was lovely. They’re a good couple and I like them both. We are planning to do a film and take a way night soon which I’m looking forward to. I appreciated the suggestion, as I can’t go out they suggested coming here and all spending time together. It was a really thoughtful idea and I look forward to spending more time with them. Plus the local chippy is gorgeous so good company, films and a pig out on lots of food sounds perfect to me. Stuff the careful eating for that night, it’s all for a good cause after all… ๐Ÿ˜‰


One thought on “Chocolate, Flowers and smiles

  1. kraftycatcreations says:

    Glad you are going to do a movie and food night. I go off my “diet” once in awhile and, most times, it does not upset my system too much. Besides, to get past bad days, it always helps to have something to look forward too! Hope your back and ribs feel better shortly and enjoy the event! ๐Ÿ™‚

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