Just keep swimming

Which has been my motto this week as my body has been a bit up and down symptom wise.

I am having terrible pain in my lower back which means I cant sit up without my electric blanket over cushions so the heat can help soothe the pain. I has been slowly creeping in the last few weeks and has started to be daily accompanied by the hugging sensation in my chest.
My left side is still seizing and unseizing, from a few minutes to hours to days. I find it difficult to swallow when my neck is frozen, it feels as though there is something large and flat stuck in the left side of my throat, which there obviously isn’t.
The pain has upped again too, causing my limbs to shake and spasm and the lightening like striking has decided to travel from my head, down my shoulder blades and into my spine.

I really have no idea what my body is doing or why it is doing it. I do know that I am becoming increasingly annoyed by it and also slightly worried I am going to lose the use of the top half of my body as the seizing and freezing of my limbs are happening every day, and now travelling into my right arm and side.

I don’t usually worry about my aches and pains, but I won’t lie to you or myself that I am concerned I will wake up one day and not be able to move my body at all.

It used to take me half hour to be able to start getting out of bed in the mornings, which is slowly beginning to become longer and longer time wise, up to an hour for me to be able to move properly to get out of bed.
It’s a head scratcher for sure, one which I hope will go away before I have to phone the doctor for more diazapam.

On the plus side..

My partner put together my triple wardrobe and all my clothes are organised which is a brilliant help for me. Bless him, he spent the weekend doing it, even though he went into work early Saturday morning and he has a very demanding job. It was very difficult to put together, flat packs are the worse type of furniture!
But my bedroom now looks better than it ever has, and I have wooden blinds put on at the beginning of November which will be another item that will make my symptoms easier. My windows are over 8ft long, so you can imagine how much light it creates.But the blinds will keep the room dark and the nasty sun away. My light sensitivity has become worse, so the blinds will help so much.

My bedroom is my heaven and hell, but with these new improvements it will be more heaven 🙂
