Symptoms settling down?

It’s been while since I’ve written, due to the bad vision in my left eye and headaches they cause. But I will soldier on no matter how many days it takes to complete this blog entry 🙂

I don’t want to curse myself, but in the last two weeks my conditions and symptoms seem to be calming down a bit! Even despite my ever on going ear and sinus infection which I’m now on penicillin for a week as the antibiotics didn’t work.
But, regardless of that I have been feeling o.k, no major seizures, spasms and joint locking.

I’m still in a lot of daily pain, but because the other symptoms aren’t as bad I am coping with everyday things better. My son, partner and family have noticed the difference, I am only slightly limping instead of swaying as I walk.

This could be the very long awaited ‘good period’ instead of constant relapse. Whatever it is I am feeling better, happier and more productive.
Long may it continue! 🙂

My everyday life is also running smoothly, touchwood!

My son and I have bought new furniture and bits for our home, and yesterday I ordered my much needed new bed. I’ve had my current one for many many years and it has become incredibly uncomfortable, difficult to sleep on. I’ve opted for a memory foam mattress bed, which apparently are good for chronic condition sufferers.

As I spend 80% of my time bed bound I decided to splash out and get acgood matteress and also storage drawers so there is less clutter in my room, such as duvet covers, christmas decorations, clothes. Having the extra room will be great, spending so much time in my bedroom makes it is important to make it as cosy but as practical as I can.

My friend is putting a shower in for me soon too which I appreciate. It’ll be easier for my son in the mornings, save time on running a bath. And for me it’ll make it easier to wash my hair which is a battle every time I do it. I mostly wash it in the bathroom sink as I can sit on the corner of the bath which helps. But the lifting my arms over my head and awkward position plays havoc on my body so using the shower head instead will cut down the arm strain and spasms I get from over exertion.

I have stopped fighting my conditions and am now working with them.
I know my limitations and I am now very aware that the energy I used in fighting could be used in bringing more practical about my conditions and their effects in me.
If I can’t do something then I can’t, I’m slowly but surely accepting that. If I find something difficult I try to look from all angles of the problem and try different ways of making it easier to do.

Thinking about it, this could also be contributing to my improvement, the presence of better energy. I’m not pushing myself, raging against my body or mind. I’m much more relaxed and practical now and it seems to be helping.

I’m still not sleeping well and this is a real pain, but I’ll eventually crash and sleep the day away. Until then I will continue to help myself and conditions and hopefully I will stay at this level. Fingers crossed and a lil gypsy luck I will! 🙂


A new week

Last week was a bit difficult pain wise, I think the gastric flu stirred up my body and is causing a lot more pain.

The colder weather isn’t helping either, I love the winter but nowadays the winter doesn’t love me! The cold makes my conditions worse, I’ve started waking in extreme pain again, when I am sleeping which is difficult again.

I can’t seem to switch off at the moment, I lay there so tired that my eyes are burning but I just cannot switch of my brain and drift to sleep. Painsomnia mixed with insomnia.. Is not fun! But hey, it could always be worse and I can’t wake up! 🙂

It was a quiet week, my mum visited which was nice, and brought food for myself and son.. Bless her she does still love to feed people 🙂

My son has been buying new furniture for our home which is lovely, I haven’t been able to buy any big purchases as money is so tight. But he is insisting he wants to, and along with new cabinets he is getting a new corner sofa for the front room! We’ve always wanted one, the room is a perfect shape and I’ll be able to lay on it as sitting up is difficult. but alas I’ve never been able to buy one as even before becoming ill most of my money went in bills and daily living. But now we will not only have a new corner sofa, but one that goes into a double bed which will come in handy!

I’m touched by him doing this, he’s worked hard and saved his money up for these items and I’m so lucky that I have such a considerate, thoughtful son. He said awhile back that he wants to provide towards the home, I’d paid for everything for 19 years, brought him up and it was now his turn to do so, and look after me. He’s a great lad :,)

I’m still healthy eating and find it does help with my energy levels, I am not as sluggish now. I have the odd biscuit now and then but I find I cannot manage as much food or type of food I used to eat. I naturally go for a tangerine or apple now instead of chocolate.. Wow, I never thought I’d see the day that happened! Miracles do exist.. 😉
