Natural medicineΒ 

I’d like to start this blog by thanking everyone who read, liked and commented on my last post. 

I was overwhelmed by the response and very touched, thank you so much πŸ™‚ 

It’s been a lil while since my last post as my eyesite and neuro problems have been pretty bad. It’s difficult to concentrate or think to write anything longer than a text or picture post. My mind gets so fuzzy and confused. 

I’ve also been on more antibiotics for my flu that I’ve had for months and sinus infection. My dr has put me forward for a sinus tissue scrape op as my MRI also showed mass tissue in my nasel tubes. I’m willing to have it done, no matter how much it’ll set of my conditions. If it stops my constant sinus infections and flu I’m going to give it a whirl. 

I have decided to try natural remedies in the hope they can ease some of my issues. 

I’ve started eating really well again, Greek youghurt too and I haven’t eaten youghurt since I was 10! 

I’m starting by trying to eat foods that are good for energy and nutrition. I have found chia seeds too, just a spoonful on anything I eat is apparently really good for you energy wise, something I could really really do with more of! 

I am also going to try acupuncture for my pain, I’ve researched and found a place that does it for ME and fibro so I will book the appointment in a couple of weeks. I can’t do it right now as my body is too poorly to get there, but I’m determined to try! 

I don’t think by changing my diet I will be cured, so many people say how they’ve been ‘cured’ by healthy eating.. If it really was that easy then medical science and professionals would be giving us fruit not meds and there’d be no one suffering with the many different chronic illnesses out there. What a wonderful world that would be! 

I’m doing this to try and get more body energy and ease my pain which is through the roof at the moment. 

Every millimetre of my body hurts day in day out at the moment, from my toes to my hair roots. My shakes are back and my body muscles so swollen and painful, I’m now bruising outside on my skin from the pressure inside. 

I’m better at working with my conditions these days, listening to my body and not being silly trying to do things that I’ll suffer from. But when you’re in this much pain and muscle locking anything you do is too much. The act of getting into bed, or moving at all sends the pain and muscles screaming through your body. 

It’s ridiculous, maddening and it’s depressing. 

Chronicpain is difficult to understand unless you have it. The ‘normal’ pain people have, such as achy, hurt yourself, pulled a muscle pain is just the tip of an iceberg compared to chronic 24/7 pain. 

It affects everything, your movement, sleep, eating, toilet trips, dressing.. Literally anytime you move or breathe it hurts so badly your body can shake and you can be sick from it. 

I’ve had pain for years, which  now I know it was due to my chronic conditions. My doctors now think I’ve had these conditions for at least ten years, they got worse over time then bam, my body had enough and  disabled me a couple of years ago. 

I thought it was normal, the every day aches and pains I had. But my pain nowadays compared to then is minute, and I would love to swap back to that. 

Hopefully my new diet will help. I’m not expecting miracles, but it’s worth a try. I’m at the point I will try anything to help now, well anything within reason. I don’t want scammers or people asking for money claiming their remedies will cure me! No thank you very much, you can stay out of my mailbox and away from my blog. 

I’m unwell, not stupid. 



Legs, Grapes and silliness

Resting day today, I hope! πŸ™‚

My legs have been terrible this last week or two. They seem to have given up knowing how to walk properly, which I am not amused at. Giving up? Me? Never! My body shouldn’t be allowed too if I don’t.. They’re traitors! They would be banished to some far away land if I didn’t need them, which they know. Tsk.. πŸ˜‰

My healthy eating has paid off in a weight way, I’ve lost nearly a stone in a month. I am beyond happy about this, when I lay down I no longer have a mound stopping me seeing my feet! It’s brilliant, I have hip bones, ribs, and real shoulder blades, something I haven’t seen for a year.
All due to keeping to a fruit diet. I have tried many times in the past to eat healthier but I fell within two weeks, always gradually going back to fatty foods, crisp and chocolate. If I really want to have choc I will, but I haven’t had any in many weeks and the last time I only ate half before I started feeling really sick and gave it away. I no longer crave it, nor crisp, pork pies, sausage rolls.. Gawd I ate them everyday. Now it’s natural for me to reach for an apple, banana, grapes.. Yes I’m still eating lots of them! I’m like a Greek figure, hanging grapes over my mouth in bunches and at times having them pop off the stems rolling everywhere and hitting my face. It’s rather amusing, but until I get someone to hang them for me I have to do it myself. You really can’t get the staff theses days..

I am already getting itchy about my results, I really, really, reeeaaaly want to know what they are! I am not good at waiting for things like this, at most things that keep me guessing, it eats at me until I get the answers. I’m the kind of person to wonder about something, if I hear about it or see it, say a town and I will go straight into the internet and find out all I can about it. Thank goddess for the internet, years ago I used to have to scroll through books, thesaurus, maps and very rarely would I be satisfied with the the little information I found. Apparently it’s called having an inquisitive mind, or as I say, a nosey one. Whatever it is I will be on tender hooks until all my results come back. I don’t guess the results, my thoughts are that whatever they are, well they are but at least if I know I can finally deal with it/them.
It’s the not knowing that’s the worse, especially when I know it could cause big changes in not only my daily life but my lifestyle. Grrrrrr I hope they arrive soon!!

Big breath, calming thoughts and relaaaaax.. Until the thought pops into my head again.


Happy and content

It’s been a lovely Sunday so far. I had a lie in, and only woke a few times in the night which is unusual.
After an hour or so and my morning handful of tablets, my partner and I finished sorting my room then played a board game.
I am amazed I can now sit long enough to play the game. Ok, I constantly shift my position and my back aches like hell but a rest on my electric blanket for a couple of hours after eases the worst of it.

I continue to feel better than I did a month ago, I can do more without being in agony which it still expect to feel. I expect this because it became part of my life, even sitting up was more than I could bear. Now I can sit up on the floor, on a cushion and not be wiped out for days afterwards.
The combination of new medication, fruit diet and stretching constantly has helped so much. The pain mess continue not to work, even now they’ve been doubled. I have to phone the pain clinic tomorrow to talk to my specialist about this, and the fact I am going to run out of them by the end of the week as they only gave me a months supply at 2 a day. Now it’s 4 they’ve rapidly gone down. I still need to phone the rheumatologist to ask about the bloods I had taken too. I’ll leave both until tomorrow.
My bed rail is also being picked up tomorrow as I can’t use it due to my bed being too high up and I would rather give it back and have someone who can use it have it. There’s no point in me hanging onto it when it can be put to use elsewhere.

I am still feeling much happier and upbeat in myself. I wake feeling happy to do so, looking forward to the day ahead. I am still losing weight, not massive amounts but slowly and gradually. For the first time in a year I have hip bones again! I was ecstatic when I not only saw them but felt them as I lay on my side in bed. I am ecstatic that the horrible bloated fat roll body I have had is slowly becoming more of a human shape again. That alone is restoring my confidence and I can wear my favourite shorts again! A month ago I tried them on but the button was two far away from the zipper to fasten together. God that was depressing, my stomach was just there, a bloated, round object that mocked me and my shorts. But I am the one mocking it now, it may have won the battle for a year but I have won the war and laugh at it’s decreased size, ha victory is mine!! ;D

My room is so much better, the light is now away from my eyes and although I’ve lost space it’s easier to get around. I have four boxes and three massive bags full of clothes and clothes stacked in my room that I need to sort through so that’s also taking up room and making it look messy. My partners dad is going to take anything I don’t need to be recycled which I really appreciate. He’s a lovely man and is someone who goes out of his way to help people, a trait my partner has too.
It’ll take awhile to sort but I’ll get there in the end, by gum I will! πŸ™‚

For now I am cuddling up to my partner, watching a film and feeling happy and at ease with life. It’s a feeling I am extremely happy to have πŸ™‚



A later post today as my laptop decided to delete my post instead of uploading it. Plus I slept until 7.30pm after a night awake with toothache of all things! My wisdom teeth have decided to say hello, something I didn’t want!

I had my physio visit today. It was more of a meet and greet and planning what things would be good for me. As I am being tested for possible Rhumetological issues and MS there’s not much she can do until my test results come through. What I can do is learn how to use my stomach and back muscles to help take the strain off of my legs. I never knew that was possible but apparently it is.
My physio also gave me a care plan folder, which I put all my info in meds I take, my conditions, consultants etc and take it ti appointments or hospital if I’m admitted again. This is a really great idea, it saves alot of confusion and explaining which will make appointments easier. As for physio, I start having it on 21st July. Very gently to start with then hopefully build it up if I and my body can.
I’m actually looking forward to starting it and I’m really hopeful it will help.

I’ve had my ultrasound appointment come through today which is amazingly fast seeing as I only saw my Rhumetologist on Monday. It’s for the 16th July, so it looks like next month will be busy appointment wise too. I am so relieved that these appointments are being made and I will finally find out exactly what’s going on. If I know what I’m dealing with it will make it much easier to deal with, and in the correct way. Uncertainty is a big bug bear for me, I just want to know so I can not only deal with it on a physical level but mentally too. In a month things should be a lot clearer πŸ™‚

My new tablets continue to help with locking and seizing limbs which I am extremely happy about. I start my new painkillers on Monday and I’m really hoping they will help too.

I feel happier than I have  in quite some time, and continue to keep positive about my health, life and it’s complications. I am really looking after myself, and my new diet of fruit and fresh veg everyday is making me feel much less sluggish. I have ‘normal’ food as and when I choose, my diet isn’t to lose weight but make me healthier. I have lost weight though which is a bonus! Because of this I am feeling so much more confident and it shows. Many people have said I look better and I’m much chirpier, which is true. Yes I’m still very unwell but I am trying to work with my conditions not against them. So far it is working and long may it live! πŸ˜€
