Another appointment over with

I didn’t blog yesterday as I was feeling really unwell.

My home assessment went well, I think! She arrived at 9.30am which I appreciated, not keeping me waiting for hours.
She was really pleased with all the photo copied letters and said they will make it so much easier during the descion making, and they will keep them on file.

She asked all the same questions that the form did, and a few of the answers were different as my condition has changed since I filled out the forms in February. But I also had proof of this and other things, such as I use a wheelchair, have and am deteriorating, my neuro problems and bedroom living through my doctors letter.

She did a slight medical at the end, but said she wouldn’t make me do the walking ones as it’s clear I can’t do them. She did sensitivity touch tests on my arms and hands, apparently I only felt a third of them. Then started doing them on my legs. Well, they were not having that. As soon as my leg was lifted off the floor they went into mad spasms that I then had all day, but she stopped straight away and said shall we try the left one. Of course that one started too! She left my legs totally alone and did it genuinely not as in, ohh you won’t do it but I can see you’re bad I’m not causing you more harm.

Then I had an eye test with similar cards as an optician but as my left eye has only had partial sight since Saturday that didn’t go great either. But ’twas fine and she understood.

Over all she was understanding, very empathetic genuinely so and very sympathetic. She was saying how isolating my life must be, how she’s keeping her fingers crossed for my claim and my home move happens really quickly.
She was not the dragon I was expecting and although she was here an hour and a half it didn’t drag nor at any point did I feel she was over bearing or not believe me.
So just the wait now to see if I’m accepted, it can take up to six weeks so I will have to just be patient, the worse of it’s over.

My eye pain was pretty bad yesterday, which caused a massive headache and then my pain kicked in and my muscle spasms due to the exam. I took myself to bed and eventually fell asleep until the evening, waking up feeling a lil better but still not great. So I was up until quite late, well early in the morning until the symptoms eased enough to enable me to sleep.

I have no appointments today, yay! Tomorrow is my x rays, ultrasounds and bloods so I’ll be at the hospital for a few hours. But that’s tomorrow, today I am taking to rest and recuperate a lil. Then after Wednesday it’s just a vitamin D injection appointment and that’s it for a month or so. I’m looking forward to the breathing space, it’ll be nice not to be constantly at the hospital and not be constantly examined and tested on ๐Ÿ™‚


2 thoughts on “Another appointment over with

  1. kraftycatcreations says:

    Hope you are feeling better!

    Sounds like the home assessment went well! It is so nice when you meet someone who seems to be genuine. I am keeping my fingers crossed that you will be accepted.

    I am at a crossroads of sorts. While I am not housebound, and have been working full-time (when not too ill), my doctor stated the job is stressing me to the point where I should at least cut back. Since I have the ability to remote in, and have proven that I can get work done this way, a medical letter was written requesting one day off per week to work remotely, with rest periods when needed.

    It has not been well received by the General Mgr. and I have no idea what will happen. I suspect the higher ups are speaking with their lawyers to find out what they can and can’t do about this. So, I may not have a job at all in the near future. (Hate the guessing games!)

    Tomorrow, I go back to NOVA in Miami for test results from two months ago (it does go fast!) There may be another med they will put me on for research purposes. I will keep you updated.

    Take care!

    • Oh I’m sorry to hear about your work! I hope they can give you a compromise.
      Fingers crossed and gypsy luck for your results, let me know how you get on ๐Ÿ™‚

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