My MRI went quickly and smoothly. My Father and partner came and my partner got me a coffee and a lil cake before I went into the waiting room, yum 🙂

I was a tad embarrassed that the radiographer had to help me out off my wheelchair and onto the scanner table, then lift my legs to put a pillow underneath. But I guess I need to get used to that sort of thing.
The machine was really loud, despite my noise reducing earphones but apart from that and the neck spasm that jolted my head slightly during the scan all was fine.

Just a few weeks wait for the results now. I have requested to see my brain scans, and the neurologist will do so on my follow up appointment. I have a fascination of seeing it, it’s my brain and I have the right too so I am. No stamping of feet needed either.. 😉

Home resting back in bed now. I want to make a loaf of bread today if my right hand will let me. It’s something I do every so often, I find baking very therapeutic which a lot of people are surprised by. The fact I bake, not the therapeutic bit 🙂
I also feel a sense of satisfaction making food from scratch and it being eaten. I can’t bake as I used to, but I do when I can. Sitting on my perching stool and pounding dough is great free anger management 😉 Freshly baked bread mmmm it’ll make the flat smell great too 😀

I have sorted all my hospital appointment letters, doctors and specialist diagnosis letters, ESA award, physio, home move documents etc ready for my Atos home assessment tomorrow morning between 9-11am. I really hope it goes ok, as I’ve said I’ve nothing to hide and I’m not concerned about that. Just that they believe me and my letters and be able to give me extra help.

When I move I will need a carer as my son isn’t moving with me and I wouldn’t have him caring for me in that situation. Them granting me pip will enable me to have a carer, so tomorrow’s appointment is really important for me.

Fingers crossed and gypsy luck it will all go well and I’ll my assesser will understand and believe in my conditions. I hate the fact I have to prove myself, but I can understand why I have to with all the scammers they have to deal with. Those people have put people like me in the situation of having to prove ourselves, I resent that. But it’s no good getting annoyed, it’s how things are so I just need to be myself and be honest. Two things I’m good at.. 🙂


4 thoughts on “MRI

    • Thank you 🙂 I didn’t see this, I use my phone a lot to post so notifications don’t always show up!
      I hope you’re feeling better, and a nice surprise to find out you’re Ferns Mother!
      Hugs and wishing you a happy day 🙂

  1. And wishing you a lovely day. BTW, I don’t know if Fern has been keeping you up to date on her illness. We had a positive day on Wed., July 16. She got the blood test results and a treatment plan. So, we hope this all will help her to feel better as time goes on, using the plan.

    • I really hope the treatment plan works! Half the battle is knowing what exactly is going on and then how to treat it. I’m glad it was a positive day 🙂

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