Happy and content

It’s been a lovely Sunday so far. I had a lie in, and only woke a few times in the night which is unusual.
After an hour or so and my morning handful of tablets, my partner and I finished sorting my room then played a board game.
I am amazed I can now sit long enough to play the game. Ok, I constantly shift my position and my back aches like hell but a rest on my electric blanket for a couple of hours after eases the worst of it.

I continue to feel better than I did a month ago, I can do more without being in agony which it still expect to feel. I expect this because it became part of my life, even sitting up was more than I could bear. Now I can sit up on the floor, on a cushion and not be wiped out for days afterwards.
The combination of new medication, fruit diet and stretching constantly has helped so much. The pain mess continue not to work, even now they’ve been doubled. I have to phone the pain clinic tomorrow to talk to my specialist about this, and the fact I am going to run out of them by the end of the week as they only gave me a months supply at 2 a day. Now it’s 4 they’ve rapidly gone down. I still need to phone the rheumatologist to ask about the bloods I had taken too. I’ll leave both until tomorrow.
My bed rail is also being picked up tomorrow as I can’t use it due to my bed being too high up and I would rather give it back and have someone who can use it have it. There’s no point in me hanging onto it when it can be put to use elsewhere.

I am still feeling much happier and upbeat in myself. I wake feeling happy to do so, looking forward to the day ahead. I am still losing weight, not massive amounts but slowly and gradually. For the first time in a year I have hip bones again! I was ecstatic when I not only saw them but felt them as I lay on my side in bed. I am ecstatic that the horrible bloated fat roll body I have had is slowly becoming more of a human shape again. That alone is restoring my confidence and I can wear my favourite shorts again! A month ago I tried them on but the button was two far away from the zipper to fasten together. God that was depressing, my stomach was just there, a bloated, round object that mocked me and my shorts. But I am the one mocking it now, it may have won the battle for a year but I have won the war and laugh at it’s decreased size, ha victory is mine!! ;D

My room is so much better, the light is now away from my eyes and although I’ve lost space it’s easier to get around. I have four boxes and three massive bags full of clothes and clothes stacked in my room that I need to sort through so that’s also taking up room and making it look messy. My partners dad is going to take anything I don’t need to be recycled which I really appreciate. He’s a lovely man and is someone who goes out of his way to help people, a trait my partner has too.
It’ll take awhile to sort but I’ll get there in the end, by gum I will! πŸ™‚

For now I am cuddling up to my partner, watching a film and feeling happy and at ease with life. It’s a feeling I am extremely happy to have πŸ™‚


3 thoughts on “Happy and content

  1. kraftycatcreations says:

    So uplifting to read your blog! I am smiling for you – your progress is so encouraging! πŸ™‚

    Happy Sunday!

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