Having to prove I am unwell

Yesterday’s football was interesting and cheered my partner no end as somehow Arsenal won.
As much as I think it’s great for how it helps kids get into sport I think it ridiculous how much footballers earn. They can earn up to £300,000 a week.. A WEEK! Seriously, how is that feasible? Yes they train hard, travel etc but surely kicking a ball from one end of a pitch to another and kicking a ball into a net isn’t worth that wage. Doctors, specialists, nurses, people who save lives should earn it surely.. Yet their wages are not even a fraction of a footballers wage. Someone said yo me once, ” I bet you wouldn’t complain if your son was earning that money” to which I replied, I still would! I really would too, I would be proud of him, happy he was doing something that he enjoyed but wouldn’t think he should be paid that much. I don’t care what job he does, as long as he was happy in it and earns enough to see him through. I am proud of him no matter what he does, regardless of what that is. Earning £300,000 a week wouldn’t make me more proud, money isn’t the most important thing in life. I would take happiness over money any day.

My medical assessment is tomorrow morning so today I will be sorting my proof letters and putting them in a folder ready for the assessor to look at. I am going to be wheeled to the desk and hand the folder over, then she can ask questions based on the letters and information that is in it. I thought this would be easier than them asking all about my individual symptoms and me getting into a tizzy or constant word confusion. I have to take my meds too and any aides I use at home. Well, this will be difficult as I can’t exactly bring my bath lift, toilet frame, perching stool, commode and bed rail. I could carry them in a kinda leaning tower of Pisa around my wheelchair but I don’t think that would be practical or safe. So they’ll have to put up with the list I will have in the folder. I still hate the idea of having to prove I’m unwell. If I get someone who doesn’t believe in ME, which is very likely, then I have no doubt my aapplication will be denied. I really don’t want to go through an appeal as it can take upto a year to sort it out. Errgh I am really really not looking forward to it! My Father is coming with me and I’m glad he is. He is great in situations like this and keeps me calm and focused. Something I will need to be before I go to there. Fingers crossed it’ll go o.k and they will believe I am ill and not lying about it. Here’s hoping!

My health continues to deteriorate, the head lapses are becoming longer, more closer together and disorentating. I constantly feel as though I am not in reality, everything is feels dreamlike and out of synch. I have determined I will call the drs on Tuesday to see if I can chat to my doctor. I’m not going to wait any longer as it’s very unpleasant to be like this and go through continuous and more impacting head lapses everyday.

Once the forms are sorted, washing machine put on and clothes laid out for the morning I am staying in bed and resting my screaming muscles on my electric blanket. I couldn’t manage with out one, it helps to ease my symptoms and warm my limbs into movement. The next invention I am looking out for is an all body electric blanket suit. That would be awesome! Mind you, if any inventors made on due to reading my blog then I want a cut in profits and a free suit please! 😉
