Brain stuttering

So it’s the start of a new week, let’s hope it’s a good one full of nice surprises for all 🙂

My bed rail has not long been picked up, I hope it helps someone. The guy who picked it up was the same one who delivered all my home aides and put together my bath seat, so we exchanged pleasentaries and I’m sure he will be the one delivering anything else I need in the future.

I have a load of clothes staring at me waiting to be sorted out. Well they can wait, I’m resting up before even attempting to tackle the piles, I have to keep a hold on my ‘trying to sort everything’ trait or I’ll crash. A huge part of me is yearning to get stuck in, the part that has always been a good trait before as I used to be like lightening sorting and clearing up. Alas, this trait is now one of my worse as I need to ignore it and keep retraining my brain to my new position and capabilities in life.
It’s frustrating but no way near as bad as the crash I’ll get if I don’t heed cautiousness, so I just have to keep my brakes on. It’ll be worth it in the end.

I forgot what a fork was again the other day, and today couldn’t remember what a towel was. This happens frequently. I was putting clean towels aside and I picked one up and could not remember what it was, my mind was a total blank. I then started running through what it did in my head, it’s use, colour, scenarios when you use one but the word would not come. My brain started stuttering, my head started to ache and all I could do was try to break my thoughts down into words and keep picturing what a towel is used for. After 20 minutes I found the word and was jubilant, I might of even said ‘ ha in your face towel!’ Might of.. 😉

It’s odd when this happens though, and it happens a lot! It’s as though my brain has wiped all knowledge of the name or use, or both on bad occasions and trying to remember gives me a terrible headache. I literally have to sit, calm my thoughts and run through anything I can remember about an item and if I’m lucky it’ll come to me eventually.
This was put down to ‘brain fog’ first if all, a phrase used in fibromyalgia and m.e but as it’s become a lot worse and I have other issues ie ‘head seizures’ my doctor is waiting on my MRI results to see if it’s due to anything else.

Maybe it’s just old age creeping up on me, or at 33 my brain has decided it already knows enough.. That’s it, I could well have ego brain! I just thought that name up so my brain can’t be that bad! 😉

Tea, more meds and I need to start slowly sorting my stuff. Trying not to get distracted by items I find, which I have a habit of doing.. I’m standing ( well crouching) firm and soildering on, nothing will stop me! Apart from the shiny object I can see through the carrier bag.. Oh and maybe an earring I think is in there, but have lost the other one. Or it’s in another bag.. Hmmmm
