Water issues

I am going to be very honest in this post about the trouble I have urinating. I put a warning here for anyone who isn’t comfortable reading about this to not go any further.

I mentioned awhile ago I was having trouble emptying my bladder, now this issue has become a lot worse. I have no idea if this is ‘normal’ for other fibro, M.E patients but I really would be interested to find out if anyone else is going through the same thing.

I cannot urinate properly at all, and it’s now taking four/five trips to the toilet to empty my bladder. I can sit there for ten to thirty minutes feeling my bladder is going to burst but I cannot go. When I do go it’s a tiny amount, and the constant trips to the bathroom continue to be like this until my bladder is empty. It’s causing pain in my stomach, bladder and side as I constantly feel I need to urinate but it just won’t happen properly. Not to mention the energy I am using up getting to the bathroom and back. I have mentioned this to the doctor and my specialist, and they give me constant urine tests that come through clear. So it’s definitely not an infection doing it. I am starting to wonder if it’s connected to my conditions or it’s something else. I was thinking it could be my endometriosis but it’s been months now and way before it started playing up again.
I am at a total loss at what to do to help ease this situation. I will again mention it to my doctor on Friday when I have my phone appointment with her and see if she has any ideas. I really hope she does!

I was up most of last night with my nemesis painsomnia. It’s been a few weeks since the pain has been that bad, I was shaking and retching purely due to the severity of the pain. I will admit to bring disappointed this happened, I has hoped they were a thing of the past. I had been paining all day which isn’t unusual, but the pain hit like a punch in the stomach, quickly and with no warning. The pain is easier today though and I’m doing nothing to aggregate it!

Apart from that and my usual daily symptoms I am still feeling better. My neuro meds have made a huge difference and I wish I had been put on them months ago instead of having my old ones higher end to maximum dose. But hey, it was trial and error and I’m just glad I am on them now.

I phoned Atos yesterday and was told I could have an appointment next week, at there offices. I explained it was put down for a home visit and he questioned why and tried tripping me up about my doctors appointments, ‘how did I see them then if I’m mostly housebound?’ When I said my doctor comes to see me he soon changed his tune but his yeah yeahing annoyed me.. So I started saying it back and he stopped doing it.. Mean? Nope just standing up for myself, well laying in bed but the quote still stands 🙂 so he took my number and said I would hear from them in the next few weeks, which I really hope is true but if not I will be phoning in two weeks time to check. They are fed up with me calling every week asking about my claim, but I’m fed up of them taking five months to give me an appointment. It’s ridiculous and I know so many people who are waiting for much longer than I have. I wish I could go out to work, I don’t want to be like this I would be totally well again if I could but that’s not going to happen any time soon. I don’t like being made to feel I’m ‘scrounging’ as I’m not, I just want them to get off their backsides and do something. Here’s hoping!


Mobile phones and bath seat

Last night I did something so stupid even I couldn’t believe it.
I had managed to make pasta and wash up and was so pleased that I opted to put a wash load on too. I gathered the clothes on the side before putting them in the machine and was really chuffed I had managed to do three things in just one evening. I toddled to my room to rest and looked on my side cabinet where I usually leave it and it wasn’t there. I didn’t worry as im often forgetful and started to look around for it. Mild panic set in as I looked downstairs too and nor I or my son could find it. Then I heard a clunk.. Clunk.. From the washing machine.. Yes, I had put it in the machine while picking the clothes up from the side where my phone must have been underneath the pile. My son and I both knelt down to look at the machine and there was my phone, happily spinning around in soapy water on a 40dg cycle. I put it on rinse and drain and managed to get my sopping phone out. There I rested it in a bowl of rice until the next morning where by some miracle it worked! It’s a lil water damaged but I can put up with that, I just can’t believe it happened in the first place! They say everything happens once, yes well it had only better be once as I cannot go through that rigamole again!

Today my luck seems to have changed. I had my bath lift installed, my stair railing fixed and the letter from my doctor to take to my assessment. Both the lift installer and the builder/fixer arrived on my door at the exact time which was amusing. I sent one to the bathroom and one to the stairs. Both were lovely though and chatted as they worked. I am extremely happy with the bath lift and aim to use it asap. My legs have decided to swell and lock today so no chance of having a bath yet. But in time I will enjoy laying back and being lowered into a hot bubble bath and maybe float a few rubber ducks too 🙂

My father came round to drop of some bits of food, lighters, and black bags this afternoon. He also had my drs letter which I am itching to read! I will leave it though and trust my Dr to have written the full truth of my health. I now have her letter, my specialist confirming m.e and fibro, my ot contact numbers, house move forms and letters confirming my up coming appointments. Hopefully this will all be enough to show them I am not faking.. I hope!

I am going to rest up this evening and hope my legs go down and the pain becomes less intense. It’s a lil bit too much pain for my liking and I have had to take an extra boost of morphine just to get me to the bathroom and back into bed. By past experience I know this usually lasts a few days, the pain, cramping, muscle locking do love to stay around and party for as long as they can. Eventually they are fazed out by morphine, muscle relaxers, tens machine, codeine and morphine tabs which is great, but until that point I waddle around trying to place my feet in an order which I hope doesn’t make me fall over and putting as least possible pressure on my feet so I don’t swell even more.

So a night in bed, taking pills every two hours, electric blanket on high, tens machine on,orthopedic cushion, laptop, tea facilities and chocolate to hand is my plan. Hoping tomorrow will be better, but thankful that today things were fixed to make things better in my home. 🙂
