Reading again and again.. and again

My backache has eased, thank goddess may I add as it was becoming a real pain literally.

I had a nurse call me from the rheumatologist yesterday morning, I will admit to my heart stopping for a second as I had only had tests done Monday and it was only Friday. Luckily it wasn’t the results but to explain that the fridge my bloods had been stored in had broken down overnight and they had lost my bloods and I needed to have them re done. What a bad stroke of luck! But I wasn’t too bothered by it, I must be one of many who had their blood stored and the hassle of having to sort the tests all again must be a nightmare for the staff. I said I could go in on Thursday to have them done,as Wednesday I was having my x-rays. I wouldn’t normally have two appointments so close together but I need to results to be through by the time my ultrasounds are done so I can book another appointment with my Rheumatologist. So I need to do them close together and it will be worth it in the end.

It’s another hot day here, which my Romanian genes do not like at all. My body does, as it swelters on my electric blanket with the sun burning through the windows, but darn it my ancestors came from the mountains! I do not like the heat at all, if I had a choice I would live in wintery conditions all year long happily snuggled in blankets with darkness outside. But hey even England gets a summer, as sparse as it is so I had better get used to it and the disgusting excess sweat I am producing doing until glorious Autumn reappears!

I have started trying to read for longer periods of time. I managed quite a few pages of a very well known and well read book I have had for years, I must have read it four times making this the fifth. Now I got a bit lost after awhile as I kept forgetting what I had read and lost the story line. This to someone who always had up to three books on the go at the same time is not only incredibly frustrating but also a totally alien concept to grasp. By the time I was 9 years old I had the reading and understanding of an adult and I was taken off of children books in school and allowed to bring my own in as long as they were suitable. Many a time I brought in a ‘suitable book’ to show the teacher, and a secretly stashed one in my bag that would be my actual reading during quiet time in the library,  the teacher never checked on me and I hid in the alcove of the library so as not to be seen. So this regression has been difficult on many levels but I am determined to keep trying and training my brain to keep old of information I want stored in it. If I have to read a page 20 times then I do, I will get there in the end, through hook or crook darn it I will! 🙂



