OT visit and house move

So my OT turned out to be so nice and helpful! She understood and M.E and Fibro which was brilliant, so many ‘professionals’ don’t and I feel extremely lucky to have an OT who not only understands what the conditions are but also how they affect you. She said I have it severely don’t I and then went into how my home is unsuitable for not only my conditions but my mental health due to living upstairs, the flat being no way adaptable for a wheelchair and being housebound. She said I need to be moved, somewhere that is open planned, big enough to cater to my wheelchair and somewhere with a front or back garden so at least I can get into either in my chair and not be trapped inside 24/7. So I agreed and she is writing her report and sorting the paper work out and in six weeks I can begin bidding on propertys on the home choice website. I knew in my heart I would have to move, the stairs alone have caused many a fall since becoming unwell and it isn’t suitable anymore. But haven lived here for so long it will be a wrench to leave. It could take up to a year to find a suitable property so it’s not right now, but the ball is rolling. The biggest wrench of all is that my son is going to stay here and take the tenancy fully over. I knew this could be a possibility and fully understand him wanting to do so. I support his decision, I will not stand in the way of it. He is 19 going on 20 at the end of the year and he has been talking about moving/ having  his own place for a lil while. So me signing over the home he grew up in is a better way of doing things as it will be fully furnished and he already pays rent etc.. He knows everyone in the area and his uncle lives across the road. It’s an area he was brought up in and he feels secure here. Plus I will be moving as close to my parents as possible and probably have a cater come help me so he doesn’t have to worry about me. He has his own life to lead and I will never stop that or make it difficult. He is mature enough, very capable and I know he will be fine. He’s had to cope with a lot more with me being so unwell for so long. Yes it will be hard to not be living with him but everything changes and this is just another situation that I will adapt to. I have never tried to tie him to my apron strings or would make him feel he can’t lead his own life the way he chooses. He will be very close to hand and we will never lose the closeness we have. It’s usually the child that moves out, it’s the total opposite with me going but I have never done things by the book so hey, it’s not unusual in my pattern of life. It will take six weeks for all the paper work to go through and in that time I can adapt to the thought of it all. It’s a huge life change, but one that is needed so with that in mind I will come to terms with it eventually. I must be honest and say these viruses on top of my other conditions have really knocked me and my body. I am hardly sleeping, my body is in more pain and the stiffness in my joints are very very bad. I have been sick several times purely due to temperature and pain. I feel wiped out and exhausted by all of it, I thought I would feel better after a few days but I didn’t take into account that any virus makes everything 100 times worse, but now it’s literally painfully obvious. I am doing as little as possible, but even that isn’t helping as the symptoms are swirling away inside me making even laying down uncomfortable and my body throb with aches. I will keep on top of all my meds, my antiabiotics and continue to drink lots to help me not to choke. I need to phone my local council so I will have to do that today, but anything else is a no go. Hopefully tomorrow I will wake feeling better, and can start doing the paperwork needed for the home move.. Hopefully, maybe, fingers crossed! 🙂
