Quasimodo and silliness

So the OT visit day has finally arrived! She is due between 11.30am _12pm which will probably mean by 2pm.. Not being cynical, but im used to professionals turning up late due to other appointments etc..

I am feeling cautious about the visit, not nervous or worried as I have no need to be. But cautious because I am hoping she is going to be o.k and not try to rail road my questions or answers as so many people do when talking with them about my conditions and how they affect me. I don’t take kindly to that at all, and need to watch I don’t end up being flippant or sarcastic which is my usual route when I am being treated like an idiot. Because I’m not, my brain and speech may be slower but it’s all still ticking over up there and I can’t stand any sort of ‘ ohh but I know whats best for you *pat pat*’ crap. It’s always offended me and  especially now days, when even the Dr agrees that only I know what I feel like and how the conditions affect me. Fingers crossed it’ll all be fine and she will turn out to be very helpful and understanding which would be great.

This Devil’s grip thing really isn’t pleasent, it’s very painful and the sinus infection is making my eye lids swell and face and head throb. I woke completey stiff this morning, it took two hours before I could bend my legs. I needed to use the bathroom way before that though and the state I must’ve looked walking on completey straight legs must of been so comical. I couldn’t even bend my legs when sat on the toilet, I was sat there, legs straight out swollen eye lids laughing to myself at the pain and ludicrously ridiculous position I was in. Then, the church bells tolled 3am and that was it, I suddenly realised I was just like Quasimodo! The walk, face, speech.. The image sent me into fits of laughter and I couldn’t stop the giggles as I straight legged walked back from the bathroom. I was trying to stifle them not to wake anyone, but it was one of those that everytime you think of the thought it makes you giggle more. When I got back to bed I was knackered and still giggling in hiccups but trying not to as it was hurting my ribs so much. It was worth it though, and made me feel a lil better in spirits despite my body pains and exhaustion from lack of sleep this week.

I have always had a ridiculous imagination, creating the biggest images from the smallest comments or thoughts. This has helped me a lot over the last year and a half, helping me to find the comedy in situations and turning my mood completey around. I am glad of this, it helps me cope with things much easier.
Let’s see if it helps when the OT visits, either that or she will think I’ve gone mad. Which might actually get me the help I need, a win win situation I think 🙂
