Constant infections

Hello 🙂

I’ve had a break due to my eye, concentration and migraine problems. It’s taking me so long to read/write and makes my eye and head pound. But I’m persevering with today’s blog which has taken several days to complete, and it will be done eventually 🙂

On top of the neuro problems I have another sinus infection and an ear infection that decided to join the fun! I’m on strong antibiotics which are making me feel constantly sick and sweating but I think they’re finally starting to help, touchwood!

I’ve found a lot of people with chronic conditions experience constant infections that take weeks to go, mine is sinuses. No matter what, every two months or so it appears, poking at my face reminding me that it was hiding instead of totally going. Then it’s the blocked nose, pounding face and swollen eyes, round of antibiotics, two weeks sweating, retching, phlegm clearing and then a couple if weeks respite until it starts again.
Apparently I left it too long to phone the drs, which has made an infection in my ear crop up. It just started leaking one night, my ear that is, and then followed by a crazy itch inside that would be impossible to get to! It drove me crazy! The ear pain joined and I finally picked up the phone and requested antibiotics from my dr.
She said I should of phoned sooner but I was trying to steam, use Vick etc to get rid of the sinus problem naturally as I take enough tabs as it is.
As they’re strong it’s only one tab a day which is great so I’m not fazed by it.

Apart from these problems I would say I am pretty happy at the moment.
My pip was sorted so I was able to pay all my debts off and be a lil bit better off each month.
It’s not just the money, I feel more settled in my self. It may sound terrible but the cooler weather recently has made me feel better, the sunshine and cabin fever it created was very difficult but now it’s easing off because it’s not nice outside!
I dread the winter and it does to my body but that’s then and this is now, as bad as it sounds that I’m happy it’s no longer sunny it’s true.

I’m looking forward to the dark nights, the nights are drawing in here and it’s dark by 8.30pm now. The clocks going back soon means it’ll be dark by 5pm and I’ve always been a fan of the winter. Yes it now makes my body feel like hell but it’s better to be unwell in the winter and not be tormented by the sunshine, fun to be had. Again sad, but true.

I’m not due for a hospital appointment until the end of September which I am also happy about. This rest from appointments, tests, needles, bloods, messing my body about has been lovely and my body appreciates it 🙂

My father is painting my front room in the next few weeks which will give it the face lift it needs. I would normally do it myself but alas these days I know I can’t so I did a rare thing and asked for help 🙂 it’s something I am not used to doing, asking for help but it is getting easier. Realising and accepting I can no longer do all I used to without total collapse is now very much understood by me. I may not always like it, but I accept it. Plus it gives me lots of time to spend with my father which will be great 🙂

Tonight I will be resting with more resting in between.. Electric blankets and Tempreture really don’t go together but hey, I reckon I’ll be able to stop having my hair washed soon enough with the theory it starts washing itself after awhile.. Always a silver lining I guess 😀
