Nightmares and eye patches

I’ve had a couple of days break as my headache has been constant and my eyesight shot.

Reading/writing has been a problem and continues to be. I have patched my left eye, the thought being if it rests for a day or so the sight will get better. Either that, or as my son said I’ll go blind! Oh the humour on that man.. 🙂 but I am going to risk it and persevere 🙂

I didn’t do much the last two days, or today so far. Rested, slept when I could and tried not too overdo things.

I had a horrible nightmare which woke me at 4am this morning with a jump and a banging headache! It was very violent, nasty and it hasn’t faded as the day has gone on as dreams usually do.
I have always had nightmares, for as long as I remember which is a very young age, this one was tame compared to some of them! It’s not due to emotional mood either, I can be in a happy period of my life but still have them several times a week.
I have no idea why, it’s just something that has always happened. It’s something I’m used to, I don’t like it but it’s a part of my stupid sleeping pattern. If it’s not pain waking me it’s nightmares!

I plan to make necklaces today. My pendent clips have finally arrived which means I can now put them together. I am very happy about this, it’s something I can do while laid down, well propped up in bed. I’ve a few orders for them, and I’ve ordered 5m of silver plated necklace/bracelet chain I have to cut to size. This gives me a chance to cut to size and it’s a cheaper option so I’m also looking forward to that delivery. It’ll be a couple of weeks yet, but I’ll have enough to do making necklaces and beaded elastic bracelets until then.

I’m happy to be spending some of my bed time productively. My hands are okay at the moment which is a bonus. I will be pacing myself though, and sticking to it! My relapse is still going strong and I won’t do anything to put that back. It’s not worth it. Pace, pace, pace.. If I was literally doing all this pacing I would’ve warn my carpets out! 😉
