
I made it to the zoo!
Yup, I wasn’t sure if it would pan out but it did and I had a wonderful few hours. I felt like a child, so excited, and I actually felt sick from excitement haha 🙂

I even had my face painted, my partner did too and it caused much amusement from children and adults as we walked around the zoo. I stopped caring many many years ago about what others thought and it didn’t faze me one jot, I smiled and did tiger grrrs at some children which they laughed at. Here’s the pic of me in all my painted glory


I also had two bunches of roses from my partner, white and pink 🙂
I love roses, I know it’s not exactly the rarest of flowers but I think them very beautiful and strangely relaxing. I shall take two of them out of the vase and dry them, I’ve done this with most flowers I’ve had, they create good memories for me.

Today has been a very happy one. Not just because of the outing but because of celebrating our year together. It may not seem long but during that year life changed beyond anything imaginable. So much has happened, bad as well as good, that I will forever look back and be astounded that not only did we get through it but we became stronger and closer because of it.
