Lazy Saturday

I have had such a lazy day! I have spent it in bed, which is far from unusual and watched programmes, eaten toast and drank so much tea I could be a human waterfall… hmm I would rather not though!

All day I have had terrible pain in my chest, ribs, back, shoulder and neck. It’s all the joined muscles and they are screaming at me today. My son brought home lots of deep heat cream though and after covering myself in it it is much eased. It’s the Devils grip still plaguing me, hanging on for dear life! If the cream doesn’t get rid of it I am sure the smell of the cream will, it absolutely stinks! I am surprised that Looney Tunes skunk isn’t after me, Pepe Le pew.. šŸ˜‰Ā 

I had a chat with my Mother this morning and she said that her, my eldest brother, my Father and sister were all putting money to buy my card making stuff so I can order it today! I was so pleased, and it has all been ordered and will be here next week. How kind of them all, I was really touched by their gesture and I would like to very much thank my big bro who I know reads my blog daily. I will get that pink beaded bracelet and a matching card with feathers to you asap ;DĀ 

It will be another restful evening ahead I hope! The wind and rain here is really bad today, it makes me kinda glad I cannot get out, I would be doing a Mary Poppins style floating through the skies with my umbrella otherwise. I actually prefer this kind of weather to sunshine though, I feel cosier and more secure for some daft reason. Plus it keeps the drunks out of the park which is a bonus!Ā 

I plan to put on a film, snuggle in bed, drink more tea, take my 50 billion evening tablets (only slightly kidding about that number šŸ˜‰ ) and stay as still as possible to help the muscle pain and cramping. It may not sound exciting and I know many would scorn an evening like this and be out on the town instead. But hey, I am the one who isn’t going to be freezing, wind sweep, water logged, spending tons of money on drinks and taxi and waking up with a hang over. Compared to that, my evening will be tickety boo šŸ˜€

