Legs, Grapes and silliness

Resting day today, I hope! 🙂

My legs have been terrible this last week or two. They seem to have given up knowing how to walk properly, which I am not amused at. Giving up? Me? Never! My body shouldn’t be allowed too if I don’t.. They’re traitors! They would be banished to some far away land if I didn’t need them, which they know. Tsk.. 😉

My healthy eating has paid off in a weight way, I’ve lost nearly a stone in a month. I am beyond happy about this, when I lay down I no longer have a mound stopping me seeing my feet! It’s brilliant, I have hip bones, ribs, and real shoulder blades, something I haven’t seen for a year.
All due to keeping to a fruit diet. I have tried many times in the past to eat healthier but I fell within two weeks, always gradually going back to fatty foods, crisp and chocolate. If I really want to have choc I will, but I haven’t had any in many weeks and the last time I only ate half before I started feeling really sick and gave it away. I no longer crave it, nor crisp, pork pies, sausage rolls.. Gawd I ate them everyday. Now it’s natural for me to reach for an apple, banana, grapes.. Yes I’m still eating lots of them! I’m like a Greek figure, hanging grapes over my mouth in bunches and at times having them pop off the stems rolling everywhere and hitting my face. It’s rather amusing, but until I get someone to hang them for me I have to do it myself. You really can’t get the staff theses days..

I am already getting itchy about my results, I really, really, reeeaaaly want to know what they are! I am not good at waiting for things like this, at most things that keep me guessing, it eats at me until I get the answers. I’m the kind of person to wonder about something, if I hear about it or see it, say a town and I will go straight into the internet and find out all I can about it. Thank goddess for the internet, years ago I used to have to scroll through books, thesaurus, maps and very rarely would I be satisfied with the the little information I found. Apparently it’s called having an inquisitive mind, or as I say, a nosey one. Whatever it is I will be on tender hooks until all my results come back. I don’t guess the results, my thoughts are that whatever they are, well they are but at least if I know I can finally deal with it/them.
It’s the not knowing that’s the worse, especially when I know it could cause big changes in not only my daily life but my lifestyle. Grrrrrr I hope they arrive soon!!

Big breath, calming thoughts and relaaaaax.. Until the thought pops into my head again.
