Sigh of relief

Well I’m finally done with tests for awhile! Phew 🙂

I had my x-Ray, ultrasounds and bloods without any fuss and pretty quickly! I’m very impressed and the staff were really nice, especially the nurse at the Rhuemotologist. She remembered me so we had a lil gossip together which was nice, she’s a real joker too 🙂
The only draw back is I can’t see my rheumotologist until the 26th September! Well I wasn’t pleased so I’ve been put on the cancellation list and will be given an appointment as soon as they get a cancellation. Still that could be a month away so because I was obviously not happy they told me I could phone my doctor for the results in a few weeks. Now why they didn’t say that in the first place I really don’t know, I had to say I wasn’t pleased and obviously not take what they said for an answer before they told me. Now I can be a lil stern, shocking I know, when I feel things are being treated wrongly, but what if someone quieter would’ve just taken their first answer, they would’ve had no cancellation or doctor option given to them. That’s just wrong, so I mentioned maybe they should give people the other options as they’re saying how long a wait they have.
The receptionist was not impressed, but I didn’t break eye contact (or my habit raising eyebrow) and she just pursed her lips and said no more.

Anyway at least I will know the test results even if I can’t start treatment straight away if they find anything. And the main thing, no tests for awhile, yay! 😀

It’s been a long achey day but I’m now laid up resting. I spent a lil while with my son watching a programme he’s gotten me into which I’m very surprised at as it’s anime. I’m not a fan usually but it’s actually really good and I’m hooked! Plus I get to spend time with him and that’s always great! 🙂 but darn that weird, drawn, Japenese programme for making me like it! Naughty thing… 😉

I’m resting up, eating, watching a film and moving as little as possible for the rest of the night. I’ve been awake since 2am and I’m rather tired now.
Plus I woke with a heck of a jump! I woke due to pain in my side, so I gently eased myself onto my back pressing into where it was paining as it eases it a lil. Well, as I turned over I saw this massive white long object with a huge white circle on top of it looming at the end of my bed!
I instinctively threw a pillow at it, dived for the lamp switch and nearly out of bed when I looked over my shoulder and realised..
It was my stand up fan.
Yes, in my sleepy state I had totally forgotten I had moved it to the end of my bed the night before to get more fresh air onto me as I slept. I burst out into fits of giggles, holding my side that was now really hurting due to my moving quickly and my body half in and out of bed and trying to stifle the bursts of noise so I didn’t waken everyone!

I’m very pleased it was my fan and not the 5ft glowing monster it appeared to be in the dark. And well if it had of been I’m sure my feather pillow would’ve sent it cowering in fear…


It’s the little things that count

I’m surprised I didn’t see a truck on me when I woke as I feel as though I have been run over by one! Every muscle is screaming at me, and my feet, hands and top of my right arm is swollen. I’m pretty sure I am going to lose the use of my right hand at some point today, the tight, spasming paining signs are there. It’s disappointing as I had three days where I wasn’t too bad, not out dancing but my body was much quieter. But that’s the thing with these darn conditions, they give you hope for a few days, a week maybe, then *bam* they reach up inside you and squeeze until your body is once again caught in it’s web of uncontrollable symptoms. I try not to get too hopeful, try to stem the thoughts of maybe this time I’ll get better but they pop into my head regardless.
It’s frustrating, annoying, hurtful, devastating, and yet it happens again and again no matter how much you understand you are now disabled and have very little chance of being who you once were. You trick yourself into believing your suffering could be over, you rejoice in the thought. Then have to pick up the peices when you crash again which becomes harder each time.
I did have a giggle yesterday evening though. My partner had bought me a pair of 5 blade kitchen scissors to help me dice lettuce etc.. and said that he had got me a surprise present too. Unfortunately he had ticked the wrong box on the order form and instead if getting me owl notepads with googly eyes, I got a 8 peice screwdriver that lights up when you use it! I laughed for ages over this :,) but I will use it when I can as it is actually really cool and useful. But so far removed from lil owl notepads as you could get! It’s the lil things that happen that brighten the day and this is still making me grin while I write now.. So it was definitely a great gift 🙂
