Home assessment

Yesterday was a day of good news that totally overrode my crash.
I had a call from Atos they had a cancellation and offered me a home visit assessment on Monday!
I’ve been waiting nearly six months for this, and said yes immediately. An assessor will be here between 9-11am. My father will be here to help get me downstairs, open the door and stay during the assssment. He is also going to photo copy all my proof letters, my me and fibro diagnosis, specialist letters, appointments, home move, doctors letter, ESA assessment letter etc and give to the assessser so they can put them towards my claim. I have no idea if they accept photo copies but I also have the originals to show.
I am relieved and apprehensive at the same time. But I also know I am not lying or hiding anything from them so I hope they see and understand that.

The second good news, not in order, is about my son. He got a promotion!
He had the interview on Monday and they phoned him yesterday afternoon. He didn’t get the promotion he went for but they gave him another as the person is leaving in a few weeks, so they offered him his job! He is now in charge of technology in the store and has to go away with managers every few months on talks, tech side of things..
I am so proud! His first job, he hasn’t been there a year yet, and has been out five weeks with his broken foot. But he’s been promoted! And quite rightly, in my bias opinion 😉 though he does do overtime if someone’s unwell at a moments notice, is working in the offices sorting orders and stock and never takes sick days or time off, apart from recently and he was made to due to his break.
I even got a lil emotional when he told me, mothers love and pride eh! 😉

I am still very unwell, but the good news has made me keep smiling. I am starting on codeine again, a bit early but the oramorph isn’t enough and the pain is too much. Hopefully it’ll help! 🙂

My mother and sister are coming to visit this afternoon which will be great. Seeing them is always fun, no matter how I am.
All I need to do is get downstairs, a challenge but with a lil help possible! 🙂
