Phone calls, phone calls and more phone calls

Later post today as I have been trying to sort things via phone.
My specialist got back to me today and has upped my dose again do I’m on 150mg twice a day. She’s so nice and helpful, explaining everything without patronising, making sure I’m ok with everything that’s suggested and she’s phoning me next week to check my progress.

I phoned the council and apparently someone is definitely going to get back to me this time.. I won’t hold my breath though as I’ll probably die in the process!

I didn’t do much tidying yesterday as my legs decided the were gong to really play up and make me walk like I had four joints in each leg all moving in different directions. Honestly I looked ridiculous, I was stumbling, holding onto any surface I could and unable to stand straight. But it was comical too, I have no idea how my legs could move in so many directions at once, I could make a fortune at a circus!
They are slightly better today, still bandy but I’m stumbling less. They hurt, ache and I feel like my muscles are swollen which tests show they are so it’s no surprise! Yet it’s not bothering me too much, it’s odd how you can get used to symptoms that would send others into panic. It doesn’t faze me at all anymore, I just adjust myself to what symptoms are happening that day. Thank goddess really, this time last year when I woke with legs that wouldn’t work made me deeply scared, knowing and accepting is easier and less damaging.

The blood tests I had last week weren’t for the rheumatologist, I phoned to ask and rearrange them for next week. I’ll ask my doctor about it onFriday during my phone appointment. It must of been been at my doctors request, I can’t imagine the nurse came round just to take my blood for funsies. I may have vampire blood but the crap that’s in and not in it makes it useless so no good for the dodgey blood selling market.. 😉

All in all I’m tired off phoning people again and sorting out the stuff they should be doing again. I am resting for the evening now, electric blanket on full, legs straight in bed and 150mg of painkillers which will hopefully help. Or make me sick, time will tell.. Oh the joys! 😉
