Devil’s grip

So, the doctor came out and I have a severe sinus infection and devils grip! Honestly it made me laugh when he said that, as he intended it too. It’s a fibro pluerosy virus which makes the muscles swell in the chest and back making it feel as though you are being inwardly squeezed and causing a lot of pain, hence the name. I am on antiabiotics and I am glad I phoned the Dr because it would’ve got worse. The Dr who came out is the one who people shy of seeing as he is very abrupt and can be very bad mannered. He was as nice as pie to me, smiling and joking at his 6ft 5 height making me feel like a dwarf! He’s ok if you’re genuinely unwell but literally shoes you out of his room if you’re faking. Which is fair enough in my opinion, people who pretend to be ill really annoy me, especially now days.

So it’ll take a week or so to go, hopefully. The antiabiotics will take a few days to kick in which isn’t great for the OT visit tomorrow. I still need to write down a few things to ask her about, and tidy my home up. Downstairs is spotless thanks to my son who is doing a brilliant job of keeping it clean and tidy. I think I am going to have to put up with the messy bedroom as I really don’t feel up to sorting it out. A quick vacuum will have to suffice, I will have to just accept that and stop obsessing over it. There are other more important things to think about.

I really am feeling rough today and will try to nap at some point. I’ve been up since 2.30am I woke because of the spasming in my sides, the devils grip.. Ha. At least I have managed to take my antiabiotic and morning meds early though and that’s good. If I do nap I don’t need to worry about missing them. I try never to miss taking them, I take so many spaced throughout the day that it is difficult to keep track of. But I notice if I’ve missed some and don’t want to risk that with these viruses on top. The Dr also told me to take lots of water with my meds until virus has gone as the swelling inside could make it harder for tablets or food to go down. So here’s to using the bathroom twice as much as I already do, which is a lot so maybe I should just camp up in there and when the OT visits at least my (bath)’room’ will be tidy… 😉
