Puppy love 

So, it turns out I do still have flu! 

I had to call the dr on the weekend as I felt so unwell, he came out and I have secondary flu, bronchitis and a severe sinus infection. 

No wonder I’ve been so unwell! 

The main reason I ‘phoned the dr was because I had orange phlegm streaked with blood.. Tis disgusting, but the blood was a concern. Orange phlegm is a sign of a severe infection so if you start producing it with a cadburys cream egg texture than call the dr please! 

I’m still struggling but have a had a huge surge of excitement and future happiness, my son asked if he could have a husky as he had found a proper breeder who was selling some. I had always said no in the past, for many many reasons . No one being able to be here in the day etc, the amount of care and training it would need, the cost, the chaos a puppy would bring. 

But now, with me being home all day, my son working flexi hours, his gf being home from uni and Danny’s friend being here for a lil while I think it’s the perfect time. 

My son had a whole list of reasons to have it, arguements for his case and was expecting my usual no and hoping to win me round. 

My instant yes threw him, and made him stop in his tracks and so happy 🙂 

I just feel we could all do with this injection of happiness and new part of our family. My son is old enough to have the full responsibility of a puppy and he’s always dreamed of having a Husky. It’s literally his dream come true. 

I will have no part in it’s training, as I can’t take him for walks etc but it means I will have company in the day or night which will be lovely. The puppy is also being taken to puppy school which I feel is much needed and I am now really looking forward to this bundle of hairy joy joining our family in just under three weeks 😀  

Beautiful ain’t he :,) 
