
So my patch idea helped a lil but the pain and sight is still terrible.

I resemble a pirate so much, what with my crippled leg, shoulder walk, patch and scowl.. All I need are candles in my hair and I would be Edward Teach, Black Beard the pirate, and he came from Bristol! He was born five minutes away from me.
Arrrr I be like sailing the seven cups that need washin up, the sea will ave to wait!

In other non pirate related news I arranged my vitamin D injection and it’s Monday at 2pm. And the best thing is the injection goes in my arm not my bum as people kept saying! Oh yeah, no stifling inappropriate jokes for me now! ;D

I am trying anything that could help me, even if it’s just a lil bit. The injection makes the vitamin D go straight into my system and I reckon it will help. I’m to have one each month until my levels go to the ‘normal’ 75+ instead of under 10. If it helps I am happy to continue it, I’m really hoping it does. Fingers crossed and gypsy luck! 🙂

It is beyond hot here at the moment, with my pain causing me to have a constant temperature and my having to lay/sit on an electric blanket most of the day is turning me into a human sauna! I would charge people to have a sauna but they’d have to sit on my lap to get any benefit and I’m not keen on that idea. I’d be covered in their sweat too, yuck! I’d rather be poor!

My father is dropping off some of my billion of pills today, so it’ll be great to see him and have a catch up.
I’m very similar to him and we are very close. Even more so since my illnesses. He’s always there for me, for anything and that’s rare but runs through my family. I am incredibly lucky to have such support and help from my family, we are very close knit. I feel for people who don’t have this and always hope they have someone, be it a family member, friend, partner. It’s important to have someone, chronic conditions are so isolating, so emotionally difficult that being alone coping with them must be a nightmare.

I may be severely chronically unwell but I have support, laughter, help and people to talk to if I need it. As far as I’m concerned I’m extremely lucky, and I am grateful for all I have. I have far more in my life than I don’t and no matter how bad things get I hold onto that and things don’t seem that bad after all 🙂
