Time slipping away like sand

I have been on another break from blogging, mostly due to my eyesight and 3 week headache.

Reading or writing has been difficult, and making both problems worse so I’ve been doing as little as possible.

It’s funny how time is slipping by, minutes turn into hours, hours into days, weeks into months without any knowledge of how it’s happening so quickly.

My ‘time lapse’ episodes are making time and days go by quicker than ever. When you’re losing several hours a day and night in the blink of an eye life becomes more and more surreal. I can lay there and know it’s lunchtime but in a second it is early evening with no knowledge of the hours in between. I’m functioning, I’m there physically, but it’s as though I’m going through natural motions and on auto pilot. Thankfully I’m not losing half the day everyday, but it’s still a few hours everyday. It’s as though I come out of a dream, slowly as you do when waking and then a state of confusion wondering what time it is or how it’s 4am.

I’m going to need to tell my doctor as the lapsing has become worse since the headache and non sight. It’s all day everyday, which is becoming a bit much.

Ah well, it could still always be worse I could have no head instead of a constant headache! 😉

I had my vitamin D injection last week. Straight into the muscle in my arm which I was not expecting! I’m thankful it wasn’t my bottom but jeez I nearly hit out with surprise! Much like a tetanus shot, it wasn’t painful for long but I did have a dead arm until the next day. I’m due for another one next month which I will definetly have, I’m really hoping will help my pain and muscle swelling.

Life continues to plod along otherwise. I had a letter on Monday apologising for taking so long making my pip decision but I will have one soon. Why they bothered to send me that letter in the first place I have no idea! Unless it’s to back themselves up by saying it’s taking time but they informed me it would be.. In my eyes its a pointless waste of paper, envelope and stamp!

I am planning a night at my parents soon. My father bought an electric orphapedic bed for use at their home, so I will look forward spending time with family and messing about with the bed! I know full well I won’t be able to stop myself folding, unfolding the bed via the switch.. I may be an adult but the child in me will never disappear! 😀
