Dr on the warpath

I love my Doctor! 

I spoke to her on Tuesday and she got very annoyed and angry that I’ve still not seen the neurologist again as I was supposed to this month. That his letter to her dismissing my diagnosis’s and health and the meds and care I’ve been given was as dismissive as when he spoke to me. 

That my tests proved I’m half blind in my left eye yet he’s not seen me again as he should’ve done this month. 

She’s writing to the hosp asking for the next available appointment for me and tests and not specifically with him. 

The sad news that’s she’s leaving was a shock to me, as she’s been so good to me and brilliant at sorting appointments meds care for me. We chatted a bit about why she’s leaving and she’s not happy about it but has to due to personal reasons. I’m really going to miss her, not just as my dr but the friendship we’ve built up and nattering about non health problems . 

She’s promised to hand me over to another dr in the surgery who has some experience with chronic illness and also to talk to her about my history, current issues and that I need special care and home visits. Also that they will need to chase up ignorant ‘specialists!’ :,) 

I’m feeling happier that something is going to be done about my ongoing neuro and eye problems. My dr is asking for an MRI, CAT scan, brain probes and spinal scan. Hopefully this will give me some much needed answers! 

Plus, once these tests and results are done I can be seen at Bath hospital for pain and rheumatic diseases as an out patient not an in patient as was first arranged. She’s arranged it for me and I am incredibly greatful for this. 

So fingers crossed the next couple of months will be full of answers and the right care! 🙂 


One thought on “Dr on the warpath

  1. So sorry your Dr is leaving. What a blow! But it seems like she is doing her best to leave you in the care of someone capable. Good luck (?) on your appointments to come. Sincerely hope that your visits will prove to be beneficial. 🙂

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