Puppy magic 

So, my sons pup is now part of our family! 

My son had to pick him up earlier than expected as the trainer got very nervous that he would let him down as another customer had done. 

As you can imagine, picking him up a week early meant the home hadn’t been puppy proofed and we still had items to buy. 

But, after much rushing, tidying, sorting it was done and the amount I love the lil guy already is ridiculous! 

He is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life, he looks like a stuffed toy lol even my a father said, he looks too perfect to be real! 

He has been named Diago and the names suits him perfectly. 

He is beautifully behaved, apart from nipping a lil too much. But that will easily be sorted through giving him a toy to chew instead of you, and as soon as he’s old enough be taken to puppy training classes. 

He also hardly slept for the first four days, missing his mother and siblings, plus in a new place. He doesn’t bark, he howls! Just like a wolf :,) 

I’ve heard many people over the years say how therapeutic having a pet can be, and now I understand exactly what they mean. His lil face makes me smile, his running around being daft makes me laugh and cuddling/smoothing him makes me happy. 

It’s a great distraction from pain and symptoms, his antics put them to the back of my mind. 

Even yesterday when I had my eye hospital appointment and I was left with a blinding headache and almost total loss of my left eye vision, coming home and having him run up to me made me stupidly happy 🙂 

I had the exact same eye test as I had at the hospital in January, flashlights at you and you press a button on a switch when you see a light. My left eye went almost straight away, and the nurse couldnt focus the eye glass properly because of it. The headache was horrendous, and I’m pleased I was wearing my sunglasses that day because I really needed them after! 

They’re sending the results to whomever requested the test and I’ll hear back in a few weeks if I need to be seen again. I have a doctors appointment next week though so I’ll try to get any results back then. 

Generally I am still feeling much better. I am spending more time downstairs on the sofa, still sitting or led but it’s a darn sight better than being in bed all day. I’m really happy about it 🙂 

My walking is getting better, I’m making myself walk around the home everyday to try to strengthen my legs and body. It’s hard work and very painful but I’m determined to not let my legs keep withering. 

I’m happier in myself, things in my life are calming down a lil, the puppy bringing much amusement and my better health are hugely impacting on my mood. I was even singing the other day! Something I do when I’m happy and I’ve not done in a very long time. 

All in all I’m feeling pretty good, and hoping this will only continue 🙂 

Here’s a pic of Diago  acting innocent after chewing a blanket :,) 



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