Shoo Flu

Yes, I have flu back again if it ever went away, and another sinus and ear infection.

But but but, I want to share some great news before I start complaining.. šŸ˜‰

My smear was clear! yay!

I am so very relieved, now I know it is my Endometriosis kicking in I can start dealing with it. I can handle anything if it means I am not facing treatment for cervical cells. That would have been really really bad on top of my current conditions.
Yes, it is still not great that I am having such severe symptoms all rolling in with my other ones, it is making me sicker. But, no cancer cells means a very happy Stacey regardless of having to deal with more symptoms šŸ˜€

I just cannot seem to shift this flu, I felt I was getting over it on Friday/Saturday but Sunday it was tricking back and Monday morning I woke with my ear stuck to the pillow due to leaking mucus and full of phlegm, temperature, my eyelids and face swollen due to the sinus infection. The pain has become constant and severe, plus the seizing in my neck, shoulder and arm was back.

I phoned the doctor to ask for antibiotics and he gave me more Diazepam too. I cannot talk to my doctor for two weeks so I will have to wait to ask about trying new meds, but the locum I spoke to was nice. He actually asked what I would like, what helps me.. I so wanted to say, I will have two of every med you have please.. hehe but I held back and asked for Amoxicillion instead knowing this antibiotic works eventually.

Why do they make tablets so huge though? It is as though they are trying to prove they are powerful drugs by the shear size of them.
Swallowing is a big problem at the moment as the left side of my neck is frozen, it feels as though I am swallowing a brick! Most of my meds are big tablets, at this rate I will be able to build an internal house at the end of my antibiotics..

My Fathers Birthday went really well. He loved his tablet and is now becoming a pro at surfing the internet! I am so pleased he is getting on so well with it, it definetly keeps him occupied šŸ™‚

I am so behind on everything due to this flu. I need to sort buying the last of my Christmas presents, start getting Christmas food in, sort a delivery to the food bank, pay bills, sort a savings account, my funeral plan,housework, sort new shower, flooring, kitchen wall cabinets and lots and lots more.
I have time for the Christmas food and gifts, but all these little things are piling up and my body is on full strike at the moment. I get so frustrated by it, I would have gotten it all done in two days max before and now I cannot function long enough to dial a number let alone anything else.

I really need to sort something about a cleaner or carer to come in, maybe after Christmas.
I am finding it increasingly difficult to stay on top of housework, cleaning, washing up etc..
My son is more than happy to help, but he now works up to 40 hour weeks starting at 6.30am and there is no way he can look after the house, me, as well as his working so many hours.

I do not want my illnesses to take any more of his time and life than they already have and do.
There is no way I will put anymore onto him than I already do, and I can now get carers allowence so I think I should start seriously looking into it. I have a friend who is carer to his Mother so I have an idea of how it works, it is just being well enough to arrange it all.

I am stressing about everything too much, which is unusual for me. Not being able to do much but be stuck in bed gives me too much time to think. Plus being up most nights too. My brain is trying to kill me with thoughts, ideas and stress!
It won’t win though.
As soon as my eyes go down, my ear stops pounding and my flu dries up I will be back on the ball rolling from one item to another. Maybe a little wobbly on that ball but in the end, I will get off put it away and be able to relax. šŸ™‚


One thought on “Shoo Flu

  1. kraftycatcreations says:

    Oh Stacey! So sorry to hear the flu has got such a claw in you! Hope you kick it out of your system quickly! You need to be able to enjoy the holidays – they are very important for you not to grab some of the holiday cheer!

    Feel well!

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