Gastric flu

I am now over the worse of gastric flu.

It knocked me for six, I started feeling a bit of on Wednesday but thought it was the chip shop food I had eaten as I am now not used to such greasy and huge positions of food.

Friday night saw me being constantly sick, I had sweats, shakes, massive temperature and felt in a lot of pain. I spent Saturday and Sunday being sick, I couldn’t even hold water down. I was bringing my meds back up which caused my pain and conditions symptoms to rev up. I felt better by Sunday night, my sickness calmed down and I managed to drink a cup of tea without feeling my body rejecting it. Ohhh that cup of tea, ’twas like drinking paradise! 😉

While I still feel sick, shaky and weak I am much better, touchwood! My sister was also unwell, and seeing as we hadn’t been in contact I guessed it was a bug going around. I’ve been warned that any bug or illness going around impacts on you much more when you have chronic conditions and I certainly believe it now!
But there’s always a silver lining, not being able to eat for days has caused some more weight loss. I’m happy about that! The bug wasn’t worth the rapid loss but hey, at least I got something from it 🙂

My Mum is due to visit me today which will be nice. She’s been rather unwell herself recently, getting adjusted to her rheumatoid treatment and symptoms. We chat at least twice a day though, and do have a close relationship. It’s become even more so since she’s become unwell, we both have similar joint problems and can completely understand what the other is feeling and going through.
She’s had to give up work because of it which is difficult for her as she’s always been pretty independent. She’s keeping as active as possible though and there has been some improvement in here hands becoming less swollen which is great.
We will gossip and drink tea today, and I guarentee she will bring some kind of food to eat! Bang goes my weight loss.. 😉

I also have a phone appointment with my doctor today when I plan to talk about a few things. One is what I can do about the muscle swelling my blood tests showed are still off the charts. I want to discuss what I can do to try and help this. I have tried all the different natural foods to help it but to no avail. My thinking is the swelling must be causing me and my body a lot more pain and symptom escalation than normal. I can’t take ibobrufen or aspirin as I react badly to them but there must be something I can do. She’s usually pretty good so hopefully she can come up with a helpful solution 🙂


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