Eye eye

It has taken me longer to write today as my left eyesight is getting worse.
It’s so blurry and my eye aches, as though it is too heavy for the socket. Which sounds crazy but it is the only accurate description. My Mum said I should go to the optician but last time they didn’t see anything wrong and the trip there and back would put so much pressure on my body that I will only go if my sight completely goes.

My specialist thinks its the nerves in my brain causing it, the signal isn’t going through properly and there is not much that can be done about it. I am wearing my glasses constantly and I am considering patching my eye foe a few days to see if it helps. I will give it a day or so and decided either way.

I played a board game again for a little while again yesterday. I constantly have to ask how it’s played, how I do something, what happens etc and it gets on my nerves. My partner always runs through it again and again without annoyance, something I am not sure I would do! My short term memory is awful, I just cannot keep information anymore it goes in one ear, in my brain for a couple of minutes then it’s gone.
Sieve bwain.. zombie bwain as I call it, I even occasionally make the arrwwrraagghh noises too.. 😉

Quiet day as usual today. I am really tired, I have to push myself even harder than usual to get out of bed in the mornings. I only do that because I need to use the bathroom, and I have noticed I can be bursting to go yet I cannot wake to go, I keep slipping back into sleep again and again. I drag myself around feeling as though I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep, for days if I could. Maybe I really an turning into a zombie.. My skin is similar and I have a very sketchy shoulder lurch walk.. with the brain thing and eyesight it is a possibility. I will mention it to my Doctor when I chat to her next week, just for the giggles 🙂

My love of dry shampoo has escalated this week, not only does it keep my hair clean and not smelly but it is drying out the eczema! I am not recommending it for that, but it is working for me. I don’t know if I am unusual in how my hair smells sickly sweet when I am sweating or hot. It never smelt like this before and I swear it is the medication I am on coming through the pores. Does anyone else have this or is it just me? It is very odd and I hate the smell, my beloved dry shampoo helps to cover the odour for awhile but then it comes back.
I spend half my day spraying myself with deodorant, body spray and dry shampoo to rid myself of the sweaty, dirty, clammy feelings I constantly have. I buy king size bottles of all my toiletries which is handy and lasts longer. The extra few pence to upgrade is worth it to smell nice and feel clean.

Which is what I am going to do now. flannel wash myself, fill the room with spray fumes and feel pretty for awhile. There is no dignity when you have chronic conditions, when you have spent nearly two years being examined in every area and have to explain in every detail what your body does you get blaise about your own body and what it does. The spraying and smelling nice is for me, it helps me feel a lil better. And it’s a small price and worth the energy used to do so 🙂


2 thoughts on “Eye eye

  1. Aachh! Is that a sound I’m trying to make? I don’t know if it “came out” properly. I feel so bad that you are so uncomfortable. The eye problem – is that something new? I don’t remember you speaking about that before. The dry shampoo is a clever idea – and it’s helping the skin problem. Very good. Expect you will keep us posted as to your conversation with your doctor. Hope things get to be more positive. 🙂

    • Hehe yup you sound like me! 😉
      Yes, about six weeks or so ago when I was told to go to a&e as dr thought I had a stroke.
      Unfortunately the same symptoms were with me all night, pain, pins and needles, chest problems.
      Hoping I’ll get better as the day goes on, rest meds, meds and rest is today’s plan 🙂 hope to blog later 🙂

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