Stifling the whirlwind

Yesterday was a nice day.
My limbs were working a lil better and I was able to sit in the front room when my sister and mum came around. That’s progress πŸ™‚

We chatted and caught up on everything and everyone, my son was here and his girlfriend too which was great.
I have to say my sons girlfriend is lovely, I really like her and she takes over the cooking, cleaning etc when I’m really unwell. My son and her were friends for many years before they started a relationship so I’ve known her for years, she’s always popped round, been here a part of his life and my knowing her. She works, in the same place as my son, but will come back and cook tea, shop, tidy up which is brilliant and much appreciated. They run and look after the flat most days and I thank goddess they are both so thoughtful, helpful and understanding. Many 19 year olds would scoff at doing all they do, and be clubbing, going to pubs getting drunk, and still having teen tantrums and sulks. I know many that age that do! But my son and his girlfriend think nothing of running the flat, getting electric, buying items we need and still looking out for me. They have the healthiest relationship I’ve ever seen anyone of that age, and older. I am incredibly lucky and I am so very proud and thankful for them both.

I am paining quite badly today and still finding it difficult to get about, but operation cleaning and sorting the flat is a go go today and can’t be put off. Not with my assessment or my room still looking like a bomb has hit it since the change around. I can’t do much but my son is going to do the heavy stuff and I can sit and tidy. I’m itching to whirlwind sorting/cleaning everything as I used to but I can’t.So I’m drowning the voice and itch with tea and being good.. For now! πŸ˜‰

I am still on my healthy eating diet, no choc, crisp, biscuits and now I hardly crave it. If I do I will have it, but so far so good. The strange thing is I’ve developed a massive craving for grapes, I cannot stop eating them! I said to my son about it and he said that grapes are sweet and full of sugar so that’s probably why I can’t stop eating them now I’ve stopped eating sweet foods. It makes sense but still, I’m eating punnets full in a couple of days. I guess it’s much better than bars of choc and cheesecake but I may well wake up looking like a grape at this rate! A big purple grape head with eyes and a mouth…
Ok, a bit over the top but the thought amused me πŸ™‚

Tomorrow is my long awaited MRI scan. It’s at 9.40am which is good as I won’t have all day to wait for it. Hopefully it won’t take long and I’ll be back in bed by 11am, it takes longer to set up and shut down the machine than it does to have the scan! I will think nice thoughts as I lay clamped into the machine, I’m not nervous and won’t be tomorrow either. I feel happy I’m having it done and in a month should know if anything else is going on. In a months time so many things will be made clearer regarding all my recent and upcoming tests. It’s a positive thing, the waiting is nothing compared to knowing the full facts. And while I am in the MRI machine I’m sure the grape craving will be in full force and I will drift off and think about how I am going to eat loads as son as I get home. Happy and productive thoughts πŸ™‚


2 thoughts on “Stifling the whirlwind

  1. kraftycatcreations says:

    LOL – As I read about your grape craving, I am sitting here eating cherries that I have been craving!

    Good luck with the MRI tomorrow. Doesn’t it seem to take forever when looking at how long until the date an appointment is scheduled and then, whoosh, all of a sudden it’s time to go!

    • At least it’s good things we are craving.. I wonder how long that’ll last! Ha πŸ™‚
      Thank you, yes if waited six months for my appointments and they’ve come all at once! So happy they’re finally here though πŸ˜€

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