The week begins

Have I mentioned how much I hate the heat? Yes? Well I haaate it so much! It’s so humid! Now I can handle the weather but the humidity is horrible it’s making my chest tight. There is no air,..ok that’s a bit of a silly statement as obviously there’s air or none of us would be alive. But it seems as though there isn’t any and I am just in a constant state of sweaty, damp and sticky hair and body which feels disgusting. It’s as though im a sauna, maybe I should get that body wrap that you wear in saunas and takes inches off you. In weight not height as I can’t afford to lose height. I’m a respectable 5ft 5 and a quarter inches.. And that quarter inch counts alot! Doctors etc laugh when I add the quarter but find it’s true when they measure me and I make sure they write the quarter down. Most people assume I’m taller as I look taller but nope my height is deceiving, probably because I have long legs that hide my squat upper half. Seriously, my belly button is nearer my bosom than should be medically possible. I’m so out of proportion, as though someone pulled my legs and squashed my body at the same time after I was born. It was the 80s after all, a lot of strange things happened so it’s possible it could be true.. šŸ˜‰

I am resting up now for the rest of the day. I’ve done some tidying and am now knackerd so I will not push myself to the point of pain exhaustion. My new meds make me very tired all day and a bit out of it. It takes me until mid afternoon to feel with it. But the trade off of no leg locking and less pain is more than worth this side effect. It’s a teeny weeny blip that I can easily deal with.

I start my new pain meds tonight, apparently they’re very strong and I can’t take my codeine with them which I don’t mind at all as they don’t work anymore. They’re slow release, much like the morphine tablets and I’m really hoping they help. Seeing as my pain specialtist has only given them to four other people and they can only be prescribed from the hospital pharmacy I have a feeling they are not only strong but effective. At this point I am willing to try anything that has a chance of working and helping me live a life not just an existence of pain, debilitating symptoms and darkness. Life is looking up, and I hope it continues to proceed that way. I have a feeling it will, and my gypsy instincts are rarely wrong šŸ™‚


4 thoughts on “The week begins

  1. kraftycatcreations says:

    May I ask what the new pain med is? I have gone to a clinic that specialized in ME/CFS recently. They have done special blood tests that take two months to get the results. I was told that, depending on these results, I would be put on one of two drugs to see if it works for me. Hate the wait, but it might be worth it!

    Glad you are feeling better! šŸ™‚

    • Ohh that’s such a wait! I hope they figure it out :s my meds are Pregablin for seizures and Tapentadol for pain. I’ll be writing in today’s blog I had to have the Tapentadol highered due to being in a lot of pain and the 50mg weren’t enough. The Pregablin has been brilliant though, so much better and efficient than the Neuronton.

      • kraftycatcreations says:

        So glad something is working for you! About time!
        I will write that down in case I come into that same position with the Neuronton.My dose was brought up to 1800mg from 900 mg and my spasms and tremors are much better. The doctor told me we could go up to 3600 if necessary (I am hoping that will not be the case anytime soon! šŸ™‚ )


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