
A later post today as my laptop decided to delete my post instead of uploading it. Plus I slept until 7.30pm after a night awake with toothache of all things! My wisdom teeth have decided to say hello, something I didn’t want!

I had my physio visit today. It was more of a meet and greet and planning what things would be good for me. As I am being tested for possible Rhumetological issues and MS there’s not much she can do until my test results come through. What I can do is learn how to use my stomach and back muscles to help take the strain off of my legs. I never knew that was possible but apparently it is.
My physio also gave me a care plan folder, which I put all my info in meds I take, my conditions, consultants etc and take it ti appointments or hospital if I’m admitted again. This is a really great idea, it saves alot of confusion and explaining which will make appointments easier. As for physio, I start having it on 21st July. Very gently to start with then hopefully build it up if I and my body can.
I’m actually looking forward to starting it and I’m really hopeful it will help.

I’ve had my ultrasound appointment come through today which is amazingly fast seeing as I only saw my Rhumetologist on Monday. It’s for the 16th July, so it looks like next month will be busy appointment wise too. I am so relieved that these appointments are being made and I will finally find out exactly what’s going on. If I know what I’m dealing with it will make it much easier to deal with, and in the correct way. Uncertainty is a big bug bear for me, I just want to know so I can not only deal with it on a physical level but mentally too. In a month things should be a lot clearer πŸ™‚

My new tablets continue to help with locking and seizing limbs which I am extremely happy about. I start my new painkillers on Monday and I’m really hoping they will help too.

I feel happier than I have  in quite some time, and continue to keep positive about my health, life and it’s complications. I am really looking after myself, and my new diet of fruit and fresh veg everyday is making me feel much less sluggish. I have ‘normal’ food as and when I choose, my diet isn’t to lose weight but make me healthier. I have lost weight though which is a bonus! Because of this I am feeling so much more confident and it shows. Many people have said I look better and I’m much chirpier, which is true. Yes I’m still very unwell but I am trying to work with my conditions not against them. So far it is working and long may it live! πŸ˜€


3 thoughts on “Physiotherapist

  1. kraftycatcreations says:

    It sounds like you found the “high road”, Stacey! Hope things keep looking up – so happy for you! πŸ™‚


  2. So glad you have some positive things to look forward to in July, and feeling a little better. You’re in the right groove – I hope you continue to have this positive attitude. You are doing whatever you can at this point.

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