Hazy times

I spent most of yesterday in a haze of headache, sleeping and head lapses. Feeling as though everything was happening in de ja vu, it’s really not a pleasant feeling.
Today I still feel hazy, everything seems unreal and out of synch.
These head lapses make me extremely exhausted after, very tired and unable to concentrate. My MRI scans can’t come quickly enough for me now, I want to know if it is some kind of damage or the M.E doing this.
It’s a really sunny day here, with my electric blanket on too im really hot.. But needs must, I cant move well without this constant heat.
I’m planning to visit my parents on Tuesday, it’ll be the first time I’ve been there since the beginning of March. It’s actually the last time I went out to something that wasn’t an appointment, I only just realised that! I do love my parents house, it’s the one I grew up in my parents have lived there for 43 years, it holds so many memories. Since my parents have retired my mum has been sorting the garden out, planting flowers, getting it tidy for her and the family, and we have a very big family! The garden is over 100ft, very hard to keep it tidy, my dad does the weeding etc and my mum sorts the pots, plants etc. She suffers from arthritis, has had to stop work because of it and struggles to do things. But the garden has become her focus and she really enjoys it, it’s good to see her do something that makes her happy.
I’m really really hoping that I’ll be able to go there, I will get to see my sister too which is an added bonus. Fingers crossed, touchwood and bundles of lucky heather I will be able too and spend a few hours with my mother, father and sister and sit happily in a house that was home for so long and always will be.


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