Gaining from others hardships

I was talking with someone who has severe ME and how she had been told by a person that all you need to cure it is to think positive. In fact she had recovered from possible ME, Lupus or Lyme disease and had written a book on it.

Can you see what in that sentence is total drivel? Well. yes all of it but I picked up straight away on the word ‘possible’. How the heck can you write a book on something you don’t actually know you had?? That’s like me saying I wrote a book about life with no teeth.. How on Earth could I know what life was like without them and then write about it! It really bugged me that this person is writing about things they are not sure they had, making profit by doing so and then, THEN , telling others how to cure themselves! Seriously?? When there are so many of us struggling daily with real diagnosed conditions and looking for things to help us, and for that all important cure. Which doesn’t exist. On top of that, being told that positive thinking will cure you.. Oh wow, why did I never think of that?? Gosh, silly, silly me! All I have to do is think positively and I will be out of my wheelchair and doing cartwheels in no time!! Grrrrr… How idiotic.

Yes positive thinking helps you cope, but cure you? There’s more chance of me waking up tomorrow and finding 1 million pound staked neatly at the end of my bed than that working! I hate hate hate people who A. Talk about things they have no idea about and B gain money from people who are desperate for anything to help cure them, and spending money they cannot afford on them. How do these people sleep at night, knowing that their money is earned through the misery and desperation of others? I couldn’t look myself in the face if I did that, I would prefer to be eating out of bins than do it.

To say I was and am still peeved about the whole thing is an understatement. People suffer with depression because of the conditions and the impact they have on their lives. Not get ill because they’re depressed. It is darn depressing at times living a quarter of your previous life and daily being unwell. Of course you get down, depressed, days that you think you can no longer go on. You wouldn’t be like that in the same way unless you were chronically unwell. You may have suffered from depression previous to your illness/es but that is not what has made you ill. Thinking yourself well…pfft.. How about hushing your opinions until you know anything about the personal and devastating subject you are writing about. I can literally imagine a pantomime villain twirling his moustache at this devious money making scheme..

Deep breath out… 🙂

Apart from my annoyance and ranting, my morning has been quiet and restful. I am still paining and aching after yesterdays outing, and being sensible by resting up unless there is a very very important reason to get up. Going to the bathroom has been the only thing I would class as being important so far. I am going to start practicing on different bracelet styles in a bit. I have cord bracelet string at the moment and the rest is being delivered soon. There is a lot of effort put into bracelet designs and as I haven’t made a bracelet in years I am going to refresh my memory. Either I will get the knack of it gain really quickly or tie my hands and fingers together in the process. I would prefer to get the knack back, but would find the tying hands very amusing. It’s a win win situation either way ;D





One thought on “Gaining from others hardships

  1. Hi. Reading what you’re going through helps me keep some perspective on the reality of fibro. I don’t really know anyone as sick as I am, so sometimes I even believe the people who tell me it’s my choice to be this sick. I know even people with “real” diseases get the “positive thinking” treatment, and I know it comes from fear and a need to feel like we have some ability to control what happens to us, but pretending we could get over this if we really wanted to is insane. The good thing about being housebound is not having to hear it very often! Have fun with your jewelry making. I hope you post pictures!

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